Le 4 mai 2021, la plateforme Yahoo Questions/Réponses fermera. Elle est désormais accessible en mode lecture seule. Aucune modification ne sera apportée aux autres sites ou services Yahoo, ni à votre compte Yahoo. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur l'arrêt de Yahoo Questions/Réponses et sur le téléchargement de vos données sur cette page d'aide.

Cannot connect to internet?
Due to having pressed a wrong button on top row of laptop, I am unable to connect to internet.
Screen displays Home,Sign In.
When I press Sign In,nothing happens.
How can I reconnect to internet?
5 réponsesLaptops & Notebooksil y a 4 ansCannot access internet on laptop.?
Cannot access internet on laptop.
I feel that it is due to having pressed one or more of f1 to f10 buttons.
Can access internet with old tower computer.
2 réponsesLaptops & Notebooksil y a 4 ansComputer Networking?
On tower computer ,upon attempting to answer a question on Yahoo answers, answer box does not accept typed answer. Did accept answer before and answers are accepted on laptop .
Help please
1 réponseComputer Networkingil y a 5 ansYahoo Answers?
Yahoo Answers site was such that an e mail was received if awarded a best answer.
This practice appears to have now stopped and as a result the Yahoo Answers site has become very impersonal and much less friendly.
Anyone from Yahoo care to take up this point?
I doubt it somehow.
2 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 5 ansYahoo Answers Procedure?
Yahoo Answers
Procedure has been that , if awarded points for a "best answer" , the answerer would receive an e-mail to this effect.
Has this procedure changed or am I doing something silly?
2 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 5 ansWhat's up?
1 réponseSingles & Datingil y a 5 ansYahoo Answers Leader Board?
Why does leader board jump from person in 10th position to person in 21 st position?
Does anyone from Yahoo have an answer to this or does present situation just rumble on without clarification?
2 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 5 ansYahoo Mathematics?
On the Yahoo Mathematics site , the next question after a question of a few hours ago is a question from 2 days ago? What happened to the questions in the time between?
1 réponseYahoo Answersil y a 5 ansLaptop battery problem?
Laptop does not operate via battery or new replacement battery.
Icon at bottom of screen reads " 0% available (plugged in , not charging)"
Laptop operates from mains cable supply.
Please advise.
4 réponsesLaptops & Notebooksil y a 6 ansMathematics Answers------Yahoo.?
Scrolling down Yahoo Mathematics Answers page displays only ONE page of the most recent questions.
This has happened only recently.
Why can I not obtain more than one page of questions?
Topics other than Mathematics display many pages of questions..
3 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 6 ansComment drop down box does not accept a comment.?
The comment box in Yahoo Answers drops down as if to accept typing. However it does not accept a typed comment.
What am I doing wrong?
4 réponsesYahoo Answersil y a 7 ansLaptop Shutdown malfunction.?
Laptop no longer switches off via Shut Down button at bottom left of screen. Have now to shut down by using main ON/OFF switch.I would prefer to use on screen Shut Down button.
Advice appreciated.
3 réponsesLaptops & Notebooksil y a 7 ans