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Réponses favorites34%
  • Pourquoi une PCR sur ARN est impossible ?

    Pourquoi est-on obligé de passer par une matrice ADN (via une reverse transcriptase) et ne peut-on pas amplifier l'ARN via une RNApolymérase RNA dépendante ?

    Est-ce un problème de stabilité ? Pourtant il est possible d'avoir des ARN double brin donc quasiment aussi stable que l'ADN.

    Est-ce lié au fait que cela n'a aucun intérêt vue que la RTPCR est bien maîtrisé et qu'une PCR sur ARN directement ne présenterait pas d'avantages supplémentaires ? Ou alors est-ce lié au fait que cela est impossible ?

    Merci d'avance.

    2 réponsesBiologieil y a 7 ans
  • Etre sous l'influence de stupéfiant sur la voie publique est-il constitutif d'une infraction ?

    Bien sur, je ne parle pas de l'usage, ni de la détention.

    Pouvez me répondre :

    1) Dans le cas manifeste

    2) Dans le cas non manifeste

    Et peux ton s'opposer à un dépistage dès lors qu’aucun élément manifeste laisse penser que l'on est sous l'influence du dit stupéfiant ?


    3 réponsesDroitil y a 8 ans
  • la cours des comptes ne doit elle pas avoir plus de pouvoir ?

    Tout le monde reconnais sa compétence, son objectivité, mais aucun gouvernement ne suit scrupuleusement ses conclusions.

    Ne faudrait-il pas lui donnez un pouvoir réel ?

    Bien sûr je ne suis pas naïf, le juges sont des humains, ils sont faillibles mais leur donner un réel contrepouvoir ne serait-il pas une bonne idée ?

    En sachant que leurs décisions n’auraient pas d’implications politiciennes puisque ce ne sont pas des membres élus mais nommés par la justice qui est indépendante (ils n'ont donc pas de raison de prendre des mesures populistes)

    Par exemple, un pouvoir de sanction (l'ordre judiciaire est légitime pour cela) lorsque l'état ne respecte pas ses obligations légale. Des sanctions graduelles qui pourraient aller de la simple amende (qui alimenterait par exemple des fonds supranationales) à des renvois des hauts fonctionnaires responsables (président de collectivité territoriale, préfet, ministre ….).

    2 réponsesPolitiqueil y a 9 ans
  • La gastronomie est-t-elle un art?

    Je parle bien là, de l'art de l'artiste et non de l'art de l’artisant

    3 réponsesArts et sciences humaines - Diversil y a 9 ans
  • Pouvez vous m'aider pour une lettre de motivation en Anglais?

    Ai-je fait des fautes de syntaxe ou de langue (surtout pour la version anglaise) ?

    version française :

    Madame, Monsieur

    Étudiant en licence parcourt biologie biochimie et ayant un DUT informatique, j’ai pu constater à quelle point la communication scientifique se fait en anglais. J’en suis donc arrivé donc à la conclusion qu’à l’heure d’aujourd’hui, maîtriser la langue anglaise est indispensable. C’est pourquoi, je vous propose ma candidature pour le parcourt Advanced Biology Training

    Au cours de ma formation, j’ai acquis un niveau scolaire en anglais, mais j’aspire à dommage. En effet, je suis persuadé que la possibilité de suivre des cours disciplinaire dans la langue de Shakespeare est une formidable opportunité pour développer mon niveau.

    Je suis conscient, que cela demande un travail conséquent, j’ai déjà commencé grâce à l’outil « Tell Me More » mis à disposition par l’université. Convaincu que l’apprentissage passe également par les loisirs, je regarde des séries anglo-saxonnes en voie originale et lis la presse internationale.

    Mes compétences disciplinaires couplés à une maîtrise de la langue anglaise me permettrons alors une ouverture à l’internationale. Je compte mettre cela à profit pour conclure ma licence par un stage à l’étranger. Cette expérience professionnelle serait un atout recherché mais également, j’en suis persuadé, une expérience valorisante sur le plan humain.

    Dans l’attente d’une rencontre, recevez, madame monsieur, mes cordiales salutations.

    version anglaise

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    Actually, I study biology and biochemistry in first college year. I have also a University Technology Diploma in computer science. With my course, I noted, how, that scientific communication uses English. I conclude that, today English’s knowledge is essential. Consequently, I’m applying to Advance biology training.

    With my education, I acquired a school level in English. I aspire to increase this skill. Indeed, I’m sure opportunity to learn biology in Shakespeare’s language would make me up my level.

    I’m aware, that ABT needs lot of work. I started with the tools “Tell me more” provides by the university. I am also convinced that leisure is a good way to learn, so, I decided to watch series in English and read international newspaper.

    I believe my qualifications would allow me to conclude my bachelor with an abroad trainee. This professional experience will be a good point for my resume and also a valorizing human experience too.

    I am looking forward to meeting you soon.

    Yours faithfully

    2 réponsesLanguesil y a 9 ans
  • Pourquoi ne doit-on pas chauffer l'huile de lin ?

    Sur une bouteille d'huile de lin, il est marqué de ne pas faire chauffer l'huile de lin.

    Est-ce dû au fait que la chaleur provoque un passage des acides gras de la configuration cis à la configuration trans ?

    Et dans ce cas pourquoi cette huile en particulier ne doit pas être chauffé et pas les autres. Est-ce dû à sa haute teneur en ALA ? ALA serait donc un acide gras particulièrement sensible à la chaleur ?

    Merci d'avance.

    1 réponseDiététique et fitnessil y a 9 ans
  • Ce texte est-il correct ? (d'un point de vue linguistique)?

    Two rolls of wood blade are put in the machine.

    The machine unroll the roll of wood blade and juxtapose them.

    Finaly the machine cuts lot of little stick in the roll and fall in a container.

    The cadence of the machine is rapidly, about eighteen toussand sticks per minute.

    2 réponsesLanguesil y a 10 ans
  • Ce texte est-il correct ? (d'un point de vue linguistique)?

    The best climate change scientists of Australia receive some death threat.

    A scientist says that threat is made to impeach scientific research but he thinks scientific are not discouraged.

    The reason is probably because the scientists say that global warming will cost about 1 billion dollar each year at Australia.

    2 réponsesLanguesil y a 10 ans
  • Pourquoi mon expression régulière ne fonctionne pas pour supprimer les balises html <img> en java?

    mon code java obtient un string contenant du code html je souhaite supprimer tout les images de ce code en supprimant toutes les balises <img> et tout ces argument, je voulais savoir ce qui manque dans mon expression régulière pour quelle soit correcte pour détecter ces balises :


    voilà ma une classe de test de mon expression regulière :

    import java.util.*;

    public class TestRegEx {

    public static void main (String[] args){

    String str = new String("<html><head><img src=\"nom de fichier\"></head><body><img src=\"gif/ordi.gif\" align=right></body><img src=\"gif/ordi.gif\" width=40 height=30 lowsrc=\"gif/ordi2.gif\" ></html>");





    String strSansImage = str.replaceAll("<img*>", "");







    le terminal me montre que strSansImage et str sont les mêmes

    voilà merci d'avance

    3 réponsesProgrammationil y a 1 décennie
  • Quelle sont les primitives de?






    Si vous ne voulez pas repondre au trois vous pouvez répondre qu'à une ou deux si vous le voulez

    Merci beaucoup d'avance à ceux qui répondront

    2 réponsesMathématiquesil y a 1 décennie
  • Quelle est la primitive de :?


    merci d'avance

    4 réponsesMathématiquesil y a 1 décennie
  • Quel est la dérivée n-ième de ((x)^n-1)* ln(x) ?

    il faut que je montre quelle est égale à ((n-1)!)/x

    merci d'avance

    4 réponsesMathématiquesil y a 1 décennie
  • Pouvez-vous m'aider à traduire ces textes ?

    - texte 1 :

    Initialement, ce dispositif a été créé pour permettre aux pêcheurs sénégalais de trouver des solutions aux pannes rencontrées sur leur moteur. Il vise aussi à les rendre autonomes.

    Par extension, d’autres utilisateurs, même anglophones, pourront y accéder, mais dans un but non commercial.

    - ma traduction :

    Initially, this device has been created to allow Senegalese fishermen to find solutions to the failures encountered on their engines. It also aims to empower them. By extension, other users, even English, can be accessed, but in a non-commercial purposes.

    -texte 2 :

    Les modules de téléformation sont présentés en français, et traduits en anglais. Le visiteur pourra choisir sa version Les fichiers seront téléchargeables sous PDF.

    L’utilisateur s’engage à ne pas utiliser à des fins commerciales les téléformations.

    L’utilisateur s’engage à faire part des difficultés rencontrées, de ses satisfactions, de façon à faciliter l’évaluation et l’évolution du dispositif.

    - ma traduction :

    This learning modules are presented in French and translated into English.Visitors can choose the version files are downloadable in PDF. The user undertakes not to use them for commercial purposes tele. The user agrees to the difficulties encountered, his satisfactions, to facilitate the evaluation and evolution of the device.

    merci d'avance

    2 réponsesLanguesil y a 1 décennie
  • pouvez vous traduire ce petit texte en anglais please ?

    La télé-formation est un service proposé par le lycée Victor HUGO permettant **l' accès à des ressources pédagogique ** sur le site internet du lycée. Pour accèder au ressources il suffit d'être inscrit, la demande d'inscription s'éffectue ci dessous

    7 réponsesLanguesil y a 1 décennie
  • Télé-charger l'iso de Windows 7?


    J'ai acheté mardi dernier un pc portable équipé de windows 7 (un pc sans lecteur optique http://www.materiel.net/ctl/PC_Portables/51192-UL3... ) mais après avoir eu un gros souci j'ai decider de réinstaler mon systeme, après avoir pris connaissance grace à la news de clubic http://www.clubic.com/actualite-307388-installer-w... qu'un logiciel de MS permetait d'instaler seven a partir d'un clé je voudrai savoir ou télécharger l'image iso de windows seven home premium x64 en français, je tien à signaler que je possède une licence OEM authentique de windows seven (celle qui était avec le pc) voilà merci d'avance,

    PS : le pc était livré avec des cd de drivers simplement

    4 réponsesLogicielsil y a 1 décennie
  • pouvez vous me corrigé ce texte ?

    Toutes ressemblances entre les lieux, les personnages et les situations y apparaissant avec des lieux, des personnages et des situations existants ou ayant existés seraient pure coïncidence due au hasard, ou fruit d'une lecture fautive dont les auteurs de l’affiche ne peuvent en aucun cas être tenu pour responsables

    7 réponsesLanguesil y a 1 décennie
  • comment s'hydrater quand l'on vomit tout se que l'on boit?

    j'ai vomit toute la nuit à chaque liquide avalé (eau médicament et même ma salive), j'ai très soif et je me sent desydraté je voudrai savoir comment me réhydrater merci à ceux qui seront me donner des technique fiable

    6 réponsesSanté et démarches administrativesil y a 1 décennie
  • Pouvez me corriger ce texte en anglais S.V.P. ?

    c'est pour un exposé dites moi si vous voyez des erreurs de syntaxes ou de conjugaisons orthographes grammaires

    Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison was the most important inventor of the IXX century Edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors in history, holding 1,093 U.S. patents in his name and he hold many patents en France Germany and United kingdom too. Dubbed "The Wizard of Menlo Park". he was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production and large teamwork to the process of invention,

    In this oral presentation we interest first to the social ascension of Thomas Edison and secondly we interesting of the most famous invention of Thomas Edison

    the social ascension of Thomas Edison

    Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11 1947 he born during the industrial revolution of the electricity in Milan in the states of the Ohio in the USA

    He grew up in Port Huron in the states of Michigan. He was the seventh and last child of Samuel Edison and Nancy Matthews Elliott. Samuel was hands-on sometimes junk, grocer, estate agent, carpenter, and his mother Nancy was teacher they are a very modest family

    In school, the young Edison's mind often wandered his teacher call him “addled”

    That’s why his mother decide to take away of school and she became his teacher because is his job

    Edison recalled later “My mother was the making of me. She was so true, so sure of me; and I felt I had something to live for, someone I must not disappoint."

    At the age of 10 he is passionate of sciences (mechanics, chemistry and physics) and Much of his education came from reading R.G. Parker's School of Natural Philosophy and The Cooper Union so he was autodidact

    At the age of 10 had a little laboratory of chemistry in the cellar of his house offered by his parent

    At the age of 12 he become dealer of newspaper, drinks, cigars and candy in the train between his city and Detroit

    And with the money he buy a printer and he install his laboratory and this printer in a wagon and he write a little newspaper and print him during journey but one day the train was damage and all his chemical are reverse and starter a fire and he was evict of the train

    In 1962 Edison developed hearing problems, the cause of his deafness has been attributed to a bout of scarlet fever during childhood and recurring untreated middle ear infections. But in the middle of his career Edison attributed the hearing loss to being struck on the ears by a train conductor when his chemical laboratory in a boxcar caught fire

    The same year Edison saved heroically the baby's chief of station in Port Huron, because of a train go to crush

    Him that why the chief of station decide to learn the Morse and he was engaged as telegraph operator in Memphis in the states of tenseness

    At the age of 19 he decide to go in Toronto in Canadian for job of telegraph operator in the Western Union Company (a enterprise specialized in the cash to cash ) and in realized his first invention he transform his telegraph in a device able to send and receive in a same wire some information automatically and he hold his first patent and he crate his first company to sales this invention and he decide to sales his company to win money and he met his future wife Mary Stilwell (she is 15) , they have 3 child but she dead 12 year latter.

    At the age of 21 he always work as telegraph operator and he invent a device with the money who had win with the sales of his first company who can count the vote speedy and automatically but the congress of the USA doesn’t want because he is too speed thus he lost his money and Edison says that : “Never invent something that people don't want “

    One year after he go to new York and he lived in the cellar under the stock exchange of wall street and he sleep nearby a telescriptor which transmits the price of gold on the financial markets and he help one day a man of the stock exchange to resolve a big failure on the device and he became the engineer’s assistant of Wall Street .

    In 1978 at the age of 31 he create with his saving (40 000 dollars) an company in Menlo park in the states of new jersey who became an industrial empire we exist yet today his is know in all the world it’s general electric

    On February 24, 1886, at the age of thirty nine, Edison married 20-year-old Mina Miller the daughter of inventor Lewis Miller they had 2 child Madeleine and Charles. the latter became the CEO (Chief executive officer) of general electric when his father dead en 1931

    the most famous invention of Thomas Edison

    with the general electric Edison can develop many invention with his team of engineer and scientific. He live in his laboratory and he spleen 4 hours par night often he is able to work during 72 hours without spleen.

    In 1876 he invent the phone

    He develop the phone but Graham bell hold the patent before him so he decide to get better the microphone of his concurrent phone and he create the carbon microphone f

    1 réponseLanguesil y a 1 décennie
  • Pouvez me corriger ce texte en anglais S.V.P. ?

    c'est pour un exposé dites moi si vous voyez des erreurs de syntaxes ou de conjugaisons orthographes grammaires

    Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison was the most important inventor of the IXX century Edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors in history, holding 1,093 U.S. patents in his name and he hold many patents en France Germany and United kingdom too. Dubbed "The Wizard of Menlo Park". he was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production and large teamwork to the process of invention,

    In this oral presentation we interest first to the social ascension of Thomas Edison and secondly we interesting of the most famous invention of Thomas Edison

    the social ascension of Thomas Edison

    Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11 1947 he born during the industrial revolution of the electricity in Milan in the states of the Ohio in the USA

    He grew up in Port Huron in the states of Michigan. He was the seventh and last child of Samuel Edison and Nancy Matthews Elliott. Samuel was hands-on sometimes junk, grocer, estate agent, carpenter, and his mother Nancy was teacher they are a very modest family

    In school, the young Edison's mind often wandered his teacher call him “addled”

    That’s why his mother decide to take away of school and she became his teacher because is his job

    Edison recalled later “My mother was the making of me. She was so true, so sure of me; and I felt I had something to live for, someone I must not disappoint."

    At the age of 10 he is passionate of sciences (mechanics, chemistry and physics) and Much of his education came from reading R.G. Parker's School of Natural Philosophy and The Cooper Union so he was autodidact

    At the age of 10 had a little laboratory of chemistry in the cellar of his house offered by his parent

    At the age of 12 he become dealer of newspaper, drinks, cigars and candy in the train between his city and Detroit

    And with the money he buy a printer and he install his laboratory and this printer in a wagon and he write a little newspaper and print him during journey but one day the train was damage and all his chemical are reverse and starter a fire and he was evict of the train

    In 1962 Edison developed hearing problems, the cause of his deafness has been attributed to a bout of scarlet fever during childhood and recurring untreated middle ear infections. But in the middle of his career Edison attributed the hearing loss to being struck on the ears by a train conductor when his chemical laboratory in a boxcar caught fire

    The same year Edison saved heroically the baby's chief of station in Port Huron, because of a train go to crush

    Him that why the chief of station decide to learn the Morse and he was engaged as telegraph operator in Memphis in the states of tenseness

    At the age of 19 he decide to go in Toronto in Canadian for job of telegraph operator in the Western Union Company (a enterprise specialized in the cash to cash ) and in realized his first invention he transform his telegraph in a device able to send and receive in a same wire some information automatically and he hold his first patent and he crate his first company to sales this invention and he decide to sales his company to win money and he met his future wife Mary Stilwell (she is 15) , they have 3 child but she dead 12 year latter.

    At the age of 21 he always work as telegraph operator and he invent a device with the money who had win with the sales of his first company who can count the vote speedy and automatically but the congress of the USA doesn’t want because he is too speed thus he lost his money and Edison says that : “Never invent something that people don't want “

    One year after he go to new York and he lived in the cellar under the stock exchange of wall street and he sleep nearby a telescriptor which transmits the price of gold on the financial markets and he help one day a man of the stock exchange to resolve a big failure on the device and he became the engineer’s assistant of Wall Street .

    In 1978 at the age of 31 he create with his saving (40 000 dollars) an company in Menlo park in the states of new jersey who became an industrial empire we exist yet today his is know in all the world it’s general electric

    On February 24, 1886, at the age of thirty nine, Edison married 20-year-old Mina Miller the daughter of inventor Lewis Miller they had 2 child Madeleine and Charles. the latter became the CEO (Chief executive officer) of general electric when his father dead en 1931

    the most famous invention of Thomas Edison

    with the general electric Edison can develop many invention with his team of engineer and scientific. He live in his laboratory and he spleen 4 hours par night often he is able to work during 72 hours without spleen.

    In 1876 he invent the phone

    He develop the phone but Graham bell hold the patent before him so he decide to get better the microphone of his concurrent phone and he create the carbon microphone f

    1 réponseLanguesil y a 1 décennie