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Why is it that killing a deer out of season is illegal, but getting an abortion isn't?
10 réponsesLaw & Ethicsil y a 1 décennieIs this a good gift?????
I am giving my girlfriend a key for valentines day, not the key to my apartment, but a key to my heart. Does this sound like a good idea or is it a bit too cheesy?
12 réponsesValentine's Dayil y a 1 décennieAnybody else think it is poor judgement to let the Saddam execution to happen?
That's my question. I think it is a bad idea, and after a day or so I will post my reasoning, but for now does anyone else think it is a bad idea? Oh any why?
11 réponsesPoliticsil y a 1 décennieWhy do atheist assume they are the only people who get run down???
65 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieWhy aren't atheists trying to save Christians from themselves?
i mean if atheist don't believe in God why don't they try to save people with religous faith from living a pointless life?
17 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieIs it ethical? To offer a glass of water?
Is it ethical to offer a glass of water to someone who doesn't realize they are dehydrating?
14 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieWhat must I do?
If I believe in something to the point of being willing to die for it, what are my responsibilities to that ideal?
10 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieWhy do people think that their beliefs gives them the right to be mean???
Why is it that people regardless of what they believe feel that they must turn beligerant in order to fully express there views with people of differing beliefs?
11 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennieWhat is more evil?
Okay what is more evil or wrong.
Killing a puppy or killing an unborn baby?
7 réponsesOther - Society & Cultureil y a 1 décennieA question for all you pro-choice people...?
I was thinking today, about what abortion really is...
I mean it is ending a life that isn't really the mothers life. She shares it with a child that contains half of her DNA, but it is still not her. So I went and thought even deeper, my little brother and I share some DNA, and well I don't really like him, so I think I am going to abort him. Is that okay?
I mean even though he is 17 years old, he can still be killed off right? I mean its better than letting him live through the hard things in life right? I mean sure he can have a life, but it could be bad, and if it is bad isnt it better to just off him now before it gets worse? Yes ? No? And if thats the case why dont we all just slit our wrists before life gets too bad?
Abortion for any reason is bad. The mother may not be at fault in some cases of pregnency(rape,ect.) but should she kill the child because she doesnt want it, or because it will be uncomfortable for her.
27 réponsesReligion & Spiritualityil y a 1 décennie